Brace yourselves...this is going to be the mother of all Christmas posts with pictures galore. We had a VERY busy stretch of holiday celebrations and still have a little bit of that "hangover" feeling as we try to recover from it all. That being said, amidst the hectic schedules, stuffed bellies, and not enough sleep, our Christmas was absolutely perfect. We got to spend some much needed time with our families, as well as enjoy a little quality time as a family of 3. Harrison was a trooper through it all, and loved being the entertainment at all of our gatherings.
We kicked off our holiday preparations by making sugar cookies for Santa.
Harrison proved to be more interested in EATING the dough than anything else, and was soon covered head to toe in flour. That's when I wised up and reassigned him to cookie cutter surveilance on the floor! 
By the time he woke up from his nap that afternoon, the cookies had been magically decorated and were ready to eat! It was Harrison's first sugar cookie experience...and it was most definitely a hit!
Classic Harry and his "footie"
The weekend before Christmas we had the chance to celebrate with this crazy group at NamNam and PopPop's house.
Every year we get together, eat pizza, open gifts...and really just enjoy each other's company. Traditions (movies, pedicures, etc.) have evolved with the addition of our kiddos, but it is always guaranteed to be an evening full of great conversation, laughter and memory making.
Just for the record...that was NOT Harrison's present. He spotted the trucks and made a bee-line for them. As a matter of fact...he did that with most presents that his cousin Benson opened. Looks like we're going to add "be better at sharing" to his list of New Year's resolutions!
This year we celebrated Christmas Eve with my mom's side of the family. I'm constantly amazed at how much the Bogler family has grown...and it seems like there is no stopping it! In 2014 we'll be adding 3 more kiddos (so far) to the mix! Of course, we went to take the first picture of the night and my camera died. We'll settle for one family iPhone snapshot!
After staying up WAY too late on Christmas Eve, we peeled ourselves out of bed the following morning to check out our Santa goodies under the tree. Harrison found a stocking full of goodies, some trucks like the ones he tried to steal from his cousin Benson a few days earlier, and his very first set of golf clubs. I'm not sure who was more excited, Harrison or his dad!
After a quiet morning at home, we made a quick stop at Grandma Debbie's before heading over to Matt's mom's house. We wanted to have the chance to wish everyone a merry Christmas in case we didn't make it back at the end of the night. We hate to rush, but in my mind, a quick trip is better than no trip!
Harrison got some new "Bs" (letters) and some other toys for the bath tub. They're definitely a new favorite!
Our next stop was to Matt's mom's house for lunch and more good company. Somehow our stocking stuffers always transition into some crazy game/competition at this Christmas. This year, 4 grown men used inverted insulated ice scrapers and used them to throw/catch fake snowballs. Matt thought his accuracy was heightened with the use of these "golf ball finder" glasses. Weirdo.
Who cares what is IN the box...H was more interested in being ON the box!
Caught sharing.
As per usual, the holiday season was a total whirlwind. We woke up early, stayed up late, ate too many cookies and laughed until our bellies hurt (mine was constantly shaking like a bowl full of jelly baby). Yet despite all of "busy," we still managed to sit back, enjoy our family time and soak in all of the magic that Christmas brings with it. Merry (late) Christmas, everyone!