I've never been one to get overly excited about Halloween. I'm not a big costume person, I usually eat all of our candy before the first trick-or-treaters grace our door-step, and I spend a majority of the night swearing at our dogs because they freak out every time someone rings our bell.
I guess you could say that I'm a bit of a Halloween Scrooge - or at least I was.
In 2015 my opinion of Halloween did a complete 180 as I was able to experience the magic of the holiday thru the eyes of 3 little boys - "Hulk Smash," Ironman, and the cutest little fisherman in Omaha.
While Matt and I love our own neighborhood, its not ideal for trick-or-treating. All of the homes are on 3+ acre lots which translates into a whole lot of walking for our little boy's little legs. Lucky for us, Matt's sister lives in an amazing neighborhood filled with beautiful old homes and lots of Halloween spirit. With costumes and goody bags in hand, we made our way to Aunt Krazy's house for what would turn out to be the perfect evening.

Junie was a bit "ho hum" when it came to the night's festivities....but she was by far the cutest little mermaid ever!
I was a little concerned that Max, the youngest of the boys, would struggle to keep up and have a trick-or-treating meltdown. Boy was I ever wrong. He insisted of doing everything "by my-elf" and would have kept going well into the night had we not made him stop for dinner at 8:00! Well done Ironman. Well done.
Harrison (3), Max (1), Benson (2)
Watching these 3 grow up together makes my heart so incredibly happy! I secretly hope that they'll recreate this picture for me when they are adults.
I keep replaying this scene over and over in my mind. Three little boys. The chorus of "Trick or Treats," "Happy Hayoweens" and "thank you" as they ambled from one house to the next. Their wide eyes and eager hands as each house presented them with bowls full of sugary goodness.
I'm smiling so big my face hurts!
After every single house Hulk flashed the BIGGEST grin and sang/screeched "We need to get MORE candy!" He was in Halloween Heaven.
Oh Halloween - I think that I love you.