Oh Brooks, I'm so sorry. You have officially fallen victim to the 4th child phenomenon. I swore up and down that I wouldn't let it happen...but...well...it did anyway. I went back to work just a few days after you turned 3 months old and since then its been a constant struggle for me to find balance. Between home, work, sickness and holiday prep, I found myself feeling (more than a little) overwhelmed and blogging was the furthest thing from my mind.
So now here we are...closer to 4 months than to 3...trying to catch up and get ourselves back on track. This post is anything but timely, but I'm running on the ol' sentiment of "better late than never." Here's a little snapshot of YOU at 3 months old.
The picture below was snapped on December 5th - your first official day of "school." You would think that having done the whole 1st day drop-off thing 3 times before, that it would have been a walk in the park for your ol' mom, but leaving you behind was SO hard. Don't tell anyone...but I may have sat in the car and cried for just a few minutes before driving away. You, on the other hand, did great with the transition. You love spending your days snuggling with your teachers, eating like a horse, and NOT napping. Who can blame you, with so many new and exciting things to see. (But really though - you can start napping any time now!)
The 3 month mark proved to be a turning point in your life. You started sleeping a little bit longer at night (4-5 hour stretches) and will finally let us out of your sight for more than 30 seconds at a time. You became more content to lay independently and soak in your surroundings, which means that life for mom and dad became a bit more productive. 
Back in November you had your first FaceTime date with your BFF, Neva. You were pretty shy and didn't have a whole lot to say, but I think she was impressed with your ability to drool and fall asleep mid-conversation.
You were stingy with your smiles for the longest time, but once you decided to share, there was no looking back. Oh baby boy, you absolutely melt me with that gummy grin of yours.
There's no shortage of brotherly love in this house. Those big brothers of yours think you're pretty darn sweet and prove it with no fewer than 100 kisses a day.
You got your first real taste of winter this past month. I think the look on your face sums up how you felt about it.
A few odds and ends - You had a HUGE growth spurt this month and have definitely started to pack on the pounds. It won't be long and you'll sporting the same big belly as your brothers. You love to rock with your mama (and you'll never hear me complain about that!). So far that red hair of yours is sticking around - as are your blue eyes! You're doctor said the combo is very "Robert Redford-esque!"
I may have been late with this post, but I was right on time with your monthly photoshoot! Here you are in all of your 3 month old glory...with a very striking resemblance to your big sister, Charlotte. Time is absolutely flying, and while I wish that I could keep you little forever, I'm so excited to watch you grow.
Happy (super late) 3 months, little man!