Signing Off (...until after our move)
A countdown of months turned into weeks...and now has crossed over to days. Our dream of once again living in a home of our own is so close within reach now, and our hearts are overjoyed. In this new home we will have a fresh start of sorts, never forgetting the past, but finally feeling like we can take some big steps forward toward healing. It will be a place where we can surround ourselves with reminders of where we have been, and start building a lifetime of new memories.
Please keep us in your thoughts this weekend as we make our 3rd move in only 2 years. Our rental won't be difficult to say good-bye to, but there is something about the whole moving process that stirs up a lot of emotions in me.
Can't wait to share some "We're Finally Here" photos in the next week or so!
Thinking about you and praying you find so much joy in your new home.