As of today I am 16 weeks along with sweet baby #3, making my due date February 3, 2014. Because of some things that came up with my last c-section, we know that it will be a little sooner than that...but no plans have been made at this point. We are BEYOND excited to welcome this little one to our family, and while life might be a little chaotic with two under two, we're both up for the challenge.
Thus far (knock on wood) I've been feeling fantastic. Sleeping well (though never enough) and trying not to over-indulge my crazy sweet tooth! It feels great to say that I've had 2 1/3 smooth sailing pregnancies with no major complaints other than rip-roarin' third trimester heartburn. Most of my early pregnancy "symptoms" are the mental ones from the stress of so many unknowns.
On the subject of unknows...we once again find ourselves in a bit of an "ugh" position....and likely will be until after we get a good look at this kiddo and his/her heart. Don't get me wrong...our excitement level is much higher than our "ugh" level...but we're not as naive as we used to be. We know that there could be a lot of scary secrets brewing in my belly. I thought that I was handling it well until I got a phone call last week letting me know that my ultrasound had been scheduled. September 13th. Friday the 13th. Seriously people?!? I'm not a supersticious person...but come on. Don't they know that I'm already a bit of a crazy person!? About two weeks after that we'll go back for a fetal echo to check out all of baby Ritchie's heart plumbing in detail. We've sat through a handful of these before, but this will be the first time we've had an echo anywhere other than Dr. Sami's office in Sioux Falls. I hope the echo tech doesn't mind tears. When we went in for Harrison's echo I was crying before they even started the scan!!
Other than that...all is well. Please keep us in your throughts/prayers as we inch closer to our September appointments!
OMG! I am so behind on blog reading!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so happy for you guys! <3