Your greatest contribution may not be something you DO, but someone you raise.

Brooks | You were a little under the weather over the holidays this year, and I should have known that something was still up when you decided to lay down and rest in the middle of the floor of the Children’s Museum last week. But there was no drainage from your ears. No goop in your nose. No change in your voracious appetite (yes, I said voracious). No signs of sickies other than poor sleep and acting a little “off.” It took a looong sleepless night this past week for me to finally call the doctor, and low and behold, the same double ear/sinus infection that we thought we beat 3 weeks ago was still going strong. We started antibiotic #2 and within a couple of days you were back to your CrAzY antics. Scaling end tables, repeatedly shouting “Dada Dada Dada” in the middle of a church service, balancing on the back of a booster seat to get a better view of the rocks you know are off limits. Life with you is busy, sweet Brooks. And while it’s exhausting, we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Max | You caught us a little off guard this week when you found a new favorite to watch on TV. Wait for it......wait for it.....Golf. Yes, I said golf. I remember when I was a little girl and your Papa Paul would turn on the final round of a tournament on Sunday afternoons. I was bored out of my mind! Your dad has similar memories growing up with his grandpa. But you? You asked me every single morning this week if golf was on. The timing couldn't be more perfect as you just might be getting a new set of clubs for your birthday in a few weeks. Who knows, maybe you'll pick up a thing or two and really step up your game this summer. Maxwell Ritchie sounds like a name that could very well grace the leaderboard at Augusta some day.

Harry | Santa brought you a children’s bible for Christmas this year, and while I thought it was a great gift, I wasn’t fully convinced that it would hold your attention. Oh how I was wrong. You soak in the stories, ask questions about things/words you don’t quite understand, and are a total rockstar when it comes to discovering meaning in the Word. We’ve learned about Adam and Eve, Sarah and Abraham, sacrifices (a tough one for this mama to explain!), plagues, and so much more. I love seeing your excitement when it’s time to read a new story each night, and even more, love watching you make the connection between the stories in the book, and how God wants us to live our lives.