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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Movin' on up

Well, with this post I have a little bit of bad news and a whole lot of good news. I will start with the bad news and just get it over with...and then we'll never speak of it again.

I was washing my hands in the bathroom this afternoon when I spotted something disturbing in the mirror. A GRAY HAIR!! I knew that things in our lives had been quite stressful lately, but really!?!? If she is already giving me gray hair at two and 1/2 weeks old, I'm guessing I'll be totally white by the time she's a teenager.

Now on to the good news...

Today was another exciting day for our little lady! Just five days after Charlotte's last surgery, the doctors decided that she was doing well enough to be transferred out of the PICU. As much as we loved all of our doctors and nurses downstairs, we were anxious to leave that place behind. It's just one more step toward HOME SWEET HOME! Ahhhh...I smile just thinking about it! While its been nice having family to live with rather than living out of a hotel or Ronald McDonald House, there is never a good substitute for your own home. Matt and I are so ready and excited to have our whole family under one roof.

Charlotte also started to bottle feed today. We started this morning with 50ml (just under two ounces) of fortified breastmilk every three hours. At this point they only want her to try from the bottle for about 20 minutes, then whatever she hasn't finished, they give through her NG tube. The reason for only allowing 20 minutes with the bottle is that if you let these little heart kiddos work on a bottle for too long of a stretch, they start to burn a lot of the calories that are better suited for growing. The first two tries she made it through about 20ml, the third try she was sawing logs after about 5ml and our last attempt was our most successful at one full ounce! Pretty good for our first day.

For now Charlotte is pretty low maintenance.

Eat. Grow. Heal. That's our mission.

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