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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Another Year

Is it tacky to write a blog wishing myself a happy birthday?? Too late! Today I'm officially celebrating the start of my last year in my 20s. What am I doing to celebrate? Well....Matt got me breakfast and a coffee this morning before he had to hurry off to a volleyball tournament. After that I unclogged our shower drain and am doing laundry. Exciting, huh?! Might sound crazy, but I'm loving it. After spending last weekend in the hospital with Charley, all that I really wanted was to stay in sweats and enjoy being home. The plan is to go out for dinner tonight, but other than that its just a quiet weekend....and I'm loving it.

So I thought I would write a quick update on the Charley front. Last time I wrote she was still in the hospital with nasty RSV. It takes quite a bit to really scare me after all we have been through and the things we have witness in the past year, but an O2 sat of 58 and a purple little chest put me into full panic mode. Lucky for us, she responded well to steroids and oxygen and we didn't end up in the PICU. It was a long 5 days of trying to entertain a 9 month old confined to a hospital room, but I'm happy to say that she got to come home on Monday morning. She's still pretty gunky and is getting breathing treatments every 6 hours, but we're home and thats what counts! (A special thanks to Grammy Vicki for coming to help out for a few days. We totally couldn't have done it without you!) Her O2 sats are still a little lower than baseline, but they told us that due to her heart condition she might be fighting this for weeks to come.

We had a hospital follow-up and 9 month well visit with Charley's pediatrician on Thursday. All is good, and while I sometimes feel like she is a little "behind" on her gross motor skills, she is still meeting her milestones. YAY!! She was quite behind on her vaccinations due to surgeries, so *lucky* Charley got 3 big shots that day. Poor girl just can't catch a break--that afternoon she had a fever of 102 and was not happy! Hopefully now we are done picking on her for awhile.

Uh oh....I just heard my cue to cut myself off here. Charley's birthday gift to me today was a 2.5 hour nap! Looks like she finally decided to wake up. Ready for an afternoon of just us girls!

Thanks for all of the well wishes sent to us this week. They are much appreciated AS ALWAYS!

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