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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Whirlwind Weekend

Charlotte’s first Easter came and went in a blur. There was no little Easter dress, no fancy Easter bonnet and no Easter egg hunt. Instead the 2 of us donned our best Easter comfies (t-shirts and sweats) and drove back to Sioux Falls after a crazy busy 36 hours in Omaha.

Trips to Omaha are typically jam packed with visitors, and this one was no exception. We arrived at Grandma Debbie’s late Friday night, and after a good solid nights rest we were ready for a CrAzY Saturday. Here’s a rundown…

-A surprise visit from Aunt Jill, Uncle Jay, Jack and Owen. I didn’t think that we would get to see them as they were headed out of town for the weekend, but we managed to sneak in a few minutes! Thanks Musils!

-Another last minute visit from Aunt Linda, Jacob, Ben and Aubrey. Charlotte slept through ¾ of the visit, but once she was up she was so excited to play with her cousins.

-YAY! “Aunt” Shannon and Brian came to visit! They hadn’t seen Charlotte since last JUNE and were so surprised at how big she was getting. Now that they live a little closer in KC we hope that we won’t go that long again!

-A visit to Children’s Hospital to see our favorite nurse Natalie! She took care of Charlotte during our very first hospital stay and has had a special spot in our hearts ever since. We got to see lots of our other awesome nurses while we were there too! It’s always strange walking back into that building and brings back a flood of emotions, but I want everyone there to see our happy and healthy little girl….after all, they have worked so very hard to help get us to where we are today. HUGE HUGS TO YOU ALL!

-Charlotte’s first Easter gathering with the Wagner clan. Like Shannon and Brian, most of this group hadn’t seen Charlotte since last summer when we were at the river. To be 100% honest, I was worried about this part of the day. Charlotte operates in “stranger danger” mode and I was anticipating tears and a very clingy baby. I couldn’t have been more wrong. SHE DID GREAT and showed off some of her clapping and dancing skills as well.

-NamNam and PopPop took Charlotte home at the end of the night so that I could meet up with a group of girl friends from pharmacy school. We hadn’t all been together for 3 whole years. Talk about a much needed reunion! Not only that, but it was my first girls night (and probably only my 2nd night out) since having Charlotte…crazy huh? Its weird seeing that in writing—but it has been such an insane year! To Shannon, Kim and Tara—It was sooooooo good to see you all on Saturday night. I had such a good time and you were the perfect distraction from my otherwise chaotic life. I can only hope that someday Charlotte is lucky enough to have wonderful women like you in her life! Love you all and can’t wait until our next girl’s night out (hopefully it will be sooner than 3 years from now!)

10:00 AM Sunday morning and we were back on the road…headed home to celebrate Easter with Daddy! The Easter bunny visited our house while we were gone and brought Charlotte a lamb named Timmy and some colorful eggs to play with. The Easter bunny brought me a NAP (thanks, Matt!)



  1. It really was busy for you! Just glad to see you when we can.

  2. Sounds wonderful. Can't WAIT to see you guys! Subsequent trips will have to be closer together. I have one question. Who are NamNam and PopPop?
