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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mark Your Calendars!

I got a call this morning from the cardiology office in Omaha...

We've been waiting to hear from them, but at the same time, were perfectly content with keeping our distance!

Little Miss Charley is scheduled for a diagnostic heart cath on December 10th at 10 AM. When they conferenced on her last Monday, it was decided that they wanted to go in and get a better look at things than they can get from an echo. They will be able to measure pressures, check the size of her right ventricle...and overall, just get a better picture of whats going on in there! From there, decisions will be made on whether we need to move ahead with her next surgery or if she can continue to hang out for a while longer. Its still 3 weeks away, but I'm sure that it will be here before we know it. Big prayers.

Charley had her first Synagis injection yesterday. This is a shot that she will get monthly from now until March. I'm sure that most of you have heard of RSV....well, if most kids get RSV, their symptoms are like a bad cold. Charley on the other hand, could get really sick because of her heart defect. Synagis doesn't necessarily prevent her from getting RSV, but is intended to help prevent her from developing any severe respiratory problems because of it. A home health nurse came out to our house to give it. I was so glad that we didn't have to drag her to a clinic and sit in a waiting room full of sick kids!. Funny thing....her nurse's name is Charlotte...and she goes by Charley!

Other than that, nothing too wild and crazy going on here. Matt had to go out of town unexpectedly on Wednesday afternoon, so it has just been us girls the past couple of days. We REALLY miss him and can't wait until he gets back tomorrow evening.

We'll continue to keep you posted!

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